Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to Launch a Water Rocket

Here is a basic way of how to construct and launch a water rocket in a quick and easy way.

Things You'll Need

  • An empty soda bottle
  • A cork
  • A bicycle tyre valve
  • Water
  • A bicycle pump or compressor which fits onto the corresponding valve.
  • A hammer
  • A pair of pliers
  • A drill
  • A drill bit with the same diameter as the valve.
  • A hack saw


1.  Start off by cutting the cork to its preferred length by cutting it in two. Your piece should be around 2/3 of the length of the threaded part of your valve; which is very often around 1.5 cm (or 5/8 inch).

2.  Drill a hole through the exact centre if the cork, which the same diameter as your valve. Use a pair of pliers to secure the cork while drilling.

3.  Slam the valve through the hole with the use of a hammer; use a pair of pliers again to secure the cork.

4.  Let the valve's inflation side stick out for at least 5mm (or 1/5 inch)

5. Attach fins and a nose cone to the water bottle to increase altitude and stability. This is optional.

6. Launch. You're ready to launch your rocket! Fill the rocket for about 1/3 to 1/4 with tap water.

7. Push the launch system into the nozzle of the rocket with the valve positioned so that you're able to pump air into the rocket.

8. Position the water rocket with the nozzle faced downward onto a makeshift tripod which will leave the rocket positioned with its nose towards the sky. Make sure this is stable.

9. Pressurize the rocket. Do this by attaching a bicycle pump or compressor to the valve first and then start pumping. This may take some time (usually between 5 and 40 seconds, this heavily depends on your pump and rocket size).

That's scheme

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